Phx2Ban (Phx2Ban v0.2.2)
This module defines the supervision tree that contains all of the Phx2Ban components. By adding this to your
application's own supervision tree prior to your Phoenix endpoint module, you will be able to start analyzing inbound
traffic for malicious requests. You can either configure Phx2Ban by passing your configuration options to the
supervisor, or you can define the configuration options in your config.exs
file. If you have options defined in both
places, the options passed to the supervisor take precedence. You can see all of the supported options by looking
at the Phx2Ban.FirewallConfig
As an example so you can see how you can configure the via the supervisor entry, let's pretend that you want to adjust
the block duration for a requesting IP address and also the threshold for when IP addresses are blocked. You could do
something like the following in your application.ex
def start(type, args) do
children = [
# Start Phx2Ban before you start your Endpoint.
{Phx2Ban, router: MyAppWeb.Router, block_duration: 86_400, malicious_req_threshold: 5},
Be sure to take a look at all of the available options in Phx2Ban.FirewallConfig
and tune Phx2Ban to your
specific needs.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
This function returns the status of the provided IP address. If the provided IP address
has made malicious requests but has not hit the block threshold, this function will return
the following tuple: {:warning, <malicious_request_count>}
. If the IP address is banned,
the function will return {:blocked, <block_time_remaining_in_seconds>}
. If the IP address does not
exist on the block list, the function will return :safe
. If an invalid IP address is provided, then
is returned.
If your application has some other way of profiling bad actors and you would like to manually
add IPv4 addresses to the block list, you can use this function to do so. The same rules will
apply to this entry as with other entries. For example, when the manually added entry hits the
configured :block_duration
then it will be cleared out from the block list.
@type ip_address_query() :: String.t() | Plug.Conn.t() | tuple()
@type ip_address_status() :: {:blocked, non_neg_integer()} | {:warning, non_neg_integer()} | :safe | {:error, :missing_ip_address} | {:error, :invalid_ip_address}
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
@spec ip_address_status(ip_address :: ip_address_query()) :: ip_address_status()
This function returns the status of the provided IP address. If the provided IP address
has made malicious requests but has not hit the block threshold, this function will return
the following tuple: {:warning, <malicious_request_count>}
. If the IP address is banned,
the function will return {:blocked, <block_time_remaining_in_seconds>}
. If the IP address does not
exist on the block list, the function will return :safe
. If an invalid IP address is provided, then
is returned.
@spec manually_block_ip_address(ip_address :: ip_address_query()) :: :ok | {:error, :invalid_ip_address}
If your application has some other way of profiling bad actors and you would like to manually
add IPv4 addresses to the block list, you can use this function to do so. The same rules will
apply to this entry as with other entries. For example, when the manually added entry hits the
configured :block_duration
then it will be cleared out from the block list.